sophia clarke (emerson) receives some dick pics on the daily. ughh what a lucky gal! she is having breast enlargement surgery on may 17th because she can be a little insecure. many would say she is special, but we love her anyway.

she was a waitress at chilis for a while. but when she got fired she stole a shirt on the way out. she got fired because she was caught licking all of the plates before putting the food on them and serving them to the customers. she claims the licking was because her sex life was nonexistent, so she tried to fuck the plates instead. she later admitted that “the plates must not have been feeling the same was she was”... she is still a virgin. the shirt is red and gray striped and is still sitting in her dresser today.

sometimes she lays on top of her friends and snorts in their neck. (also because of her nonexistent sex life)

even though she never got that sexy time, she has still had some moments with ramen, jace, and liam 🤤🤤🤪 and we will never forget about jackson from camp

she is known to pee on all of her friends when something is funny. she has ruined peoples homes with her pee. her pee is green💚💚💚
sophia clarke is a silly sausage
by ursexybitch April 22, 2019
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