When you're in a bad situation and it's looks like it's not going to work out, but then it does.

As if you have a pie shack you're trying to sell, but who's going to buy a pie shack? Then someone comes along and wants to buy a pie shack. Problem solved; the pie shack is sold.
"Dan caught a lucky break. Sharyl broke up with him."

"She broke up with him?!"


"Wow. He really sold the pie shack."
by abyssion8 February 26, 2010
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When your in a bad situation and it looks like its not going to work out, but then it does.
"Hey Dan caught a lucky break, Sheryl broke up with him"
"Sheryl broke up with him?"
"Wow he really sold the pie shack"

You want to sell a pie shack but who wants to buy a pie shack?Then someone comes along and buys it.
by BUTTCHIKEN March 27, 2010
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