A soic is a boring guy who usually doesnt like arguements or fighting and doesn't fight with their brother or sister. They act alot older than their age and laugh at anything, even when they are getting beaten up or getting it ripped . They dont talk to the opposite sex and use babyish sarcasm all the time.
only normal people that are everywhere! and you probably know one
by Fraser Cameron December 26, 2005
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1. A retarded way to say sauce
2. Used as an heavy insult in the English language
3. Someone who ultimately fails at life
by Cam g7 January 9, 2018
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“Your lookin kinda SOICE today!”

“I’m feeling soice, do you have any food?”
by RestingIce47554 September 28, 2020
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Wrong way of sayingnoice
Mia:”I just ate some ramen”
Same:”sorry it was my butter fingers I meant noice
by Iloveramen July 18, 2020
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