witty, also being sarcastic and cynical. The definition of Shim Changmin from DBSK
Changmin's smirk was so snarky...
by boojae21 May 11, 2008
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oh dane cook. = viscious circle my friends, is all i have to say.
google that shit, snarky it's a word, google magic my friends. =
by Kaytg219 January 24, 2007
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Origins: Lewis Carroll's "The Hunting of the Snark" (1874)

Witty sarcasm, used to belittle someone or something without becoming ad hominem. Also used to describe practical jokes of a particularly funny and sabotaging kind.
He was so snarky in his review of the movie, I lol'd, but the fanbois got butthurt.
by mlorrey December 17, 2009
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A term, which Dane Cook suggests we google.
He was being very snarky with his attitude. Yeah, snarky, google that shit.
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A word created by combining of sneaky and saracasm. You definetly watching too much Dane Cook - but seriously, how much is REALLY too much?
by Mia17 April 30, 2007
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small shrimp-like creature with the ability to claim anything as his own only by barfing on it. a pack-shrimp.
one who smells of petite crustaceans.
"Dont let Rufus on your bed, he is a Snarkie"
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