Two piercings just under the bottom lip: one on the left side and one on the right. They can be studs or rings, or even a combination of both.

They are called snake bites as a snakes fangs puncture two holes next to each other, ie. the two holes through the skin under the lip next to each other.

Snake bites used to mean two piercings next to each other anywhere on the body, but are now more recognised as the lip type as these seem to be the most popular.
"I'm going to go get snake bites today."


"I'm getting two lip piercings, one on either side."
by BarneysNotFuckingCool April 17, 2006
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When someone gets two peircings on their lower lip. One on the right side and one on the left side.
1 - "did you see Ryan? He just got snake bites so he can look hardcore at the concert."

2 - "Really? I was thinking of getting some, but I didn't have the money."
by kirosleepy January 28, 2006
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Two stud piercings on opposite sides of the lip.
You know who I'm talking about, that one chick with the snake bites.
by Koolio April 19, 2005
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Two lip piercings on opposite sides of the mouth.
dayum boiiiiii. you's gots dem phat snake bites. werd.
by Ryab January 30, 2005
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Two piercings that are on the front/top of the tounge.
are most commonly seen on each end of the lip.
Joe: Whoah! look at that girls snake bites.

Steve:YES!Im gonna get some tonight!
by teshara October 12, 2006
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Lip piercings on both sides of the bottom lip. Usually with rings.
Girl:Mmm..I love your snake bite.
Boy:Let's fuck.
by emo bitch March 23, 2005
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A lethal brew drunk in the UK combine lager and cider / scrumpy in equal amounts. Although it is not illegal to sell the drink most UK pubs will either refuse to serve the concoction, or only sell it to people who have proven their ability to handle it. For hardcore drinkers only.
Last night I had 7 pints of snake bite, today I can't feel my legs.
by black flag June 10, 2004
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