when you're more then tipsy, but not quite drunk.
i'm only slurred, pass me another beer!
by Izzy T June 6, 2010
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1) An adjective describing something of substandard quality.

2) A word used to convey dissatisfaction.

commonly used in the West of Ireland in the 1980s and early 1990's.
1) Your runners from Pennys are slur!

2) Enthusiastic Teacher:"Today we will be studying Hitler's Rise to Power"

Disinterested Student "Slur"
by johnnymelk January 19, 2009
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St. Lawrence University Republicans. Refers to any racist, fascist student organization, or the members of such an organization. Members of these organizations are typically rich white fucks whose goal in life is to be greedy and kill babies. Often, as is the case at SLU, the majority of Slurs are in bed with the administration.
WARNING: The fascist, Bush-loving, Dolly Dolphin-toting SLURS have teamed up with the money-hungry, power-tripping administration to destroy our once wonderful university! Quick, to the Blimh Lab to start a Blog!
by Promisebreaker May 14, 2004
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A person that's lame. Also someone that's really ashy.
Stephanie is such a slur, one day she'll be like Eduardo.

Justin is such a slur, he s totally copying Rebecca.
by kfcbuckethead December 19, 2013
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Seven deadly slurs:

-Faggot (Fag)

Slurs are really bad
by Pspspspspspsps January 19, 2021
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The word 'faggot', 'fag' is commonly used as an insult towards gay people and in general people from LGBTQ+ community. It shouldn't be used by heterosexual people, as it's considered highly homophobic and disrespectful.

The history behind the slur:
Gay men were burned alive on a stack of sticks, while being called a 'faggot'.
- He looks like a faggot!
- Ye, looks like a fucking girl.
(referring to the way someone is dressed; boy that is dressed 'more feminine').

- You both are together, fucking faggots!
- Ye, it's disgusting!

(reffering to the gay/bisexual men being in the relationship).

- You should not say the f-slur if you are heterosexual! It's homophobic and offensive.
by e4tmypussy December 2, 2020
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"Uflucker" is a term used at a American with a heavy accent.
Theres a U-Slur I did not know that.
by VibezXD March 4, 2023
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