A state of being overwhelmed by life in general. Can be positive or negative.

Neg: charactised by a loss of direction in life, and a lack of passion for anything. laziness, apathy

Pos: Characterised by a general sense of euphoria even in situations that do not call for it. Passion for doing things one would normally not do.

Symptoms include: dizziness, sense of intoxication, confusion, apathy, mood swings, hyper, overly positve or negative for long periods of time
Jason seems slizzid, he just been layin around his house and won't even chill with his friends anymore. Said he don't even care about gettin a job anymore.

-"Man, i am straight slizzid right now! been on the move all day cleaning up and sh*t. man, today is a good day"

-shut up man, you acting slizzard , you must been drinkin that jagerade.
by jprest13 July 13, 2010
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