When your body is refusing to let you sleep by pushing your covers up with you erection.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to complete no nut November this year. I got struck with some hella bad no nut sleep deprivation.”

by Fresh Phantom October 26, 2019
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The experience one gets at a certain point of energized exhaustion. When the body is starting to shut-down due to late-night/early morning hours, but is being forced to function through a surplus of caffeine intake at regular intervals.

Anyone currently in the Zone will feel the symptoms of weariness coupled with jitteriness, loopiness, possible dizziness, and a distinct feeling of being overwhelmed by whatever it is you are trying to stay awake for. S

pelling as well as communicating will most likely become difficult as well as thinking in general.
I have over 100 calculus problems due tomorrow. Staying up to work on them has thrown me into a serious Twilight Zone of Sleep Deprivation. Why is the computer screen moving?

Dude, I'm tired, but I want to stay up with her. It'll be some crazy twilight zone sleep deprivation, but totally worth it.
by PunkPrinzess September 1, 2009
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A audio communication activity in which you do not sleep for 36 hours minimum and record social behaviour on the internet
Me , Joseph and Dominik recorded an episode of The Sleep-Deprived Podcast
by alekscz1 November 27, 2019
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A condition where a person loses sleep because he or she is to worried about his or her 'new' word being editted and accepted on Urbandictionary.com.
I'm gonna have some Urban Dictionary sleep deprivation if my definition of 'Sex' is not published.
by a new word everyday December 13, 2010
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what happens when you have a test tomorrow that you forgot to study for.
"ah man, im sleep deprived from studying for that test today."
by kitywityy August 23, 2023
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Excessive sleep deprivation has all the bad parts of being drunk without any of the fun parts.

Staying awake for 24 hours impairs you about as much as being drunk just above the legal limit for driving.

Your sleep deprivation BAC is an estimate of how much your sleep deprivation has impaired you
"mb the pull request was pretty buggy, my sleep deprivation BAC is definitely past the bar"
by SVT13125CNS August 28, 2022
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A person who sleeps so little they birth a demon of the night
Man, after studying for that Physics final my sleep deprivation demon is all over me
by Weeelums December 27, 2019
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