Stands for Sri Lankan Babe. Meaning a beautiful Sri Lankan woman, also used as an umbrella term for any beautiful South Asian woman.
Omg an SLB just walked into the bar, she's perfect, I want her to be the mother of my children.
by SLB Specialist August 26, 2023
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Sweaty Little Boy, an acronym created for insults in Phantasy Star Online (early 2001) and later popularized by rap superstar Robo Randy in his mega hit “Spank Paddles
"Hey Eros... I hear that guy likes SLBs."
by colin April 7, 2005
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Pronounced "slabs"... stands for Straight Leg Bottom Shelf, which is a custom drink concoction that anyone can afford and revolves more around the execution of the drink than the actual ingredients. This drink is significantly enhanced by the looks and physique of the bartender taking the order. Bartender Execution - lock the knees, bend at the waist and select ANY ingredients from the bottom shelf, cooler or below the bar, ensuring a great view to the patrons!
Hot bartender, "What would you like?"
Discerning Patron, "I'll have a #SLBS" (pronounced slabs) or "I'll have a Straight Leg Bottom Shelf" - be prepared to explain the execution of the mixology
by T&A Consulting September 17, 2020
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"Her dad wouldn't let us over, he's such an SLB!"
by asdf123yhmkgskcfdvfxfnh February 6, 2010
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sorry lame and bitches ...86
a he reps 1-9-8-6 hes a slb.
by adam villanueva March 31, 2009
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