when a man sits to pee because it feel right
Donley~ man what is that thing
Tooker~ i dont have a clue but i bet it sits to pee
by tookerdeep September 30, 2013
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What one says when you think the other person should have learned how to do or already done by now. It's used as an insult to tell the person theyre pathetic.
50 year old: I've never had sex.

30 year old: Do you still sit when you pee?


25 year old: I havent passed my drivers test.

16 year old: Do you still sit when you pee?


9 year old: I dont know how to ride a bike.

6 year old: Do you still sit when you pee?


8 year old: I dont know how to tie my shoes.

5 year old: Do you still sit when you pee?


German Guy: Ich habe die USA eingewandert und ich habe seit zwanzig Jahren höre und ich weiß nicht, wie noch Englisch zu sprechen. (I've immigrated to the USA and I've been hear for 20 years and I still dont know how to speak english.)

USA Guy who understands German: Do you still sit when you pee?
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When a guy is acting girly or kinda limp-wristed, tell him "You sit down when you pee" as in he's acting like a girl, so why not use the pisser like them
Paul:That cd was like, so totally SUPER!!!
Jonh:Dude, You sit down when you pee!!
by Akilles August 31, 2005
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