A mythical spirit with wings, a beautiful human body and musical enchantment powers.

The sirephs are a hybrid of sirens and seraphim or The Erotes.

The majority of sirephs are benign, but a few of them are evil.

The benign sirephs use their musical enchantment powers to bless, guide and heal mortals.

On the other hand, the evil sirephs use their musical enchantment powers to cause natural disasters, as well as make mortals see terrorfying hallucinations and hypnotise them into commiting suicide or submitting to their selfish desires.

These evil sirephs also use their musical enchantment powers to seduce mortals and then they feed off them.

Also, the sirephs often sing praises for the gods and accompany them at their parades.

(Note: The sirephs aren't to be confused with sirens, angels or harpies. Unlike sirephs, angels are Christian, harpies have the body of a bird and sirens only use their musical powers for destruction).
The sireph sung so beautifully from the heavens that the sailors were enchanted into drowning themselves.
by Diana Lucius De Collis November 30, 2021
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