When a person sticks there penis into a hotdog, but then they hurt themselves by doing this. They may also do this with any other toy which resembles a hot dog, but they still have to hurt themselves to commit a siamalikodanimarkimasomanamiolakajakitusegusbalkenterprisealamic. They can also stick it in and ejaculate that is fair, but like I said you do have to hurt yourself to commit a siamalikodanimarkimasomanamiolakajakitusegusbalkenterprisealamic.
Dammit john your making me so angry I am gonna commit a siamalikodanimarkimasomanamiolakajakitusegusbalkenterprisealamic

Joe don't stick your penis in a hot dog then hurt yourself
by AEAES19999999999 March 21, 2022
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