Super awesome and nice. hot and sexy. You'll want to go out with her.
Dang, that Shaney girl is sooooo hot.
by CringierThanCringe21 March 31, 2020
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(Adj.) Similar to "shady", but more than that. Like Shane Dawson's documentary series.

"Omg have you seen Shane's latest episode?? So shaney..."
"Spill the tea!!"
by gdomoris18 October 13, 2018
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A girl who i fallen in love with for a second time. She is the sexiest gal
Shaney is so sweet and sexy
by Ronniemotherfknleggs October 19, 2020
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Shaney... a very sexy hot woman who draws all men’s attention.
“Wow that girl must be a shaney, she so hot
by Johnson hillert November 14, 2018
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Shaney, a girls name. She is caring, she is easily annoyed and has a short temper
by Unknown?!?!??!?? October 7, 2018
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A rather small creature usually no taller then 3". They are sometimes referred to as a midget.
Shanei was rather small
by Raymond November 17, 2014
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