When you see something of such astonishing brillance, that one word will not describe what you have just experineced. Therefore, two more words are added, and you get Crazy-Sexy-Cool. This is also known as the Untimate Combo. Can be used to describe any noun, but nothing about the object your are describing can be typical, or it's not Crazy-Sexy-Cool.
*Hottest girl walks by*

Alex- Did you see her?!?!?!?
Jon- Yeah, what was that??
Aaron- That is what you call crazy-sexy-cool my friends. Look it up on Urban Dictionary.
by Airren February 3, 2010
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an attractive gurl with a personality like a man in other words my best friend leelee (or ashley kaczmarek). sum1 u can have tons of fun with either in the real word or in bed lol not a drama queen like most girls not afrain of a good time!
"hey james who is that crazy-sexy-cool gurl u had over here last nite?"

"that was leelee"
by monsiuerjamesxx January 14, 2007
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