to have sex; to fuck; origin in New York State
I think I'll get scrumped when I get home from work
by scrumpy October 29, 2003
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To scrump. The act of sexual intercourse without romantic implications often in an awkward, uncomfortable setting.
Bill's back is sore from scrumping Sue in the port-a-john behind the drive-in last night.
by Slone Brooke October 21, 2008
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Scrump is the short version of the word scrumptious meaning looking good.
Jess was looking scrump today with a capital SCRUMP!
by ushz.cmp April 14, 2011
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Combines scum and Trump. Perfect description for the sack of shot in the White House as well as his sycophantic followers.
There was a real scrump in the store yesterday -- Donald Trump shirt and everything. I think the scumbag left a slime trail behind him.
by Dharma Midget August 17, 2017
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A chick so nasty and disgusting that even beer goggles won't do her justice.
Even though I was completely hammered and she was 150 yards away, I could still tell that Sharon was a complete scrump
by Brian H October 26, 2005
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OOOOO....I wanna scrump that fine peice off a** over there
by Audie January 10, 2006
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