Scoffer's World: Clever wordplay on the mall "Shopper's World" because of many shoplifters who steal from there.

"Scoffer's World is at Victoria Park and Danforth in Toronto Ontario.
Yo' can you go steal me something from Scoffer's World?
by LawrenceEast January 3, 2012
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A large interbred specimen, usually humanoid that feasts on sympathy. They will go out of their way to make others miserable and attach themselves to a leader for protection.
James - "I'm really upset, woe is me"

Mark - "you're such a scoffer"
by Cleetus Mctickledicks January 12, 2021
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Nob scoffer

Someone who likes to suck a lot of cock.

Scoff - Informal to eat (food, generally) fast and greedily.
She/he's a proper nob scoffer that one. Never known anyone to suck that many dicks in such a short time!
by mod69 May 2, 2008
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