Anything you want it to mean. Mainly another word for people. You choose the context you want to use it in
"That's his schmootie." That's his girlfriend
"Look at these schmooties" Look at all of these people
by Deacon Fam June 4, 2008
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A person you care very deeply for. They may be temperamental and sometimes exhibit qualities of a retard but you have a intense longing for them none the less.
Look over there! That's Damiens Schmooty Eshita.
by Therman Merman 122 February 6, 2020
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Someone who displays characteristics of a person with
special needs. One who might randomly flap their arms in a motion seeming to mock a bird taking flight. One who acts like a total effing retard.
Hey Corky, why are you such a schmootie?
by bronzeon78 April 14, 2009
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