in german speach a schleimer(for she "schleimerin") is a person whos head is proverbial sticking in ones ass - for a schleimers advantage... also the austrian (a german dialekt) word "oarschkriacha" - something like (free translated) asscrowler means the same.
a person veryvery nice too other people only for getting into better positions.
upwards he´s a schleimer downwards he kicks
by martin mou newmiller December 21, 2006
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kick ass or something that is soooo sweet
damn! having sex with you is schleimer!
by benjo February 26, 2005
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Similar to a dirty sanchez, while hitting it from the back proceed to insert your finger into your own ass and then fish hook the recieving party. This will cause an imeadiate reaction ( most likely suprise and disgust). Best to be performed after the climax of your sexual adventure.
Brandon: Rizzo gave me one hell of a Dirty Schleimer last nite! I didn't know another mans ass could taste so good!
by Booze Hound #1 (Biscuit) February 15, 2008
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