A slang word used to describe a teenager who hasn't or doesn't look has hit puberty.
Guy number 1: "Do you see that kid there"
Guy number 2: "Yeh the one that looks like a schkin"
by JLads March 12, 2015
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A derogatory term used to describe males who have not gone through puberty yet and are therefore inferior due to their lack of masculine characteristics. Their easily distinguishable features such as a lack of height, unbroken voice and the lack of an ability to appreciate a fine piece of ass can be recognised among among males even in high school.
Bro 1: Hey man I think I need to buy a new shaver. You reckon I should try a different brand?
Bro 2: Nah bro, grow it out like mine
Schkin: I've never shaved before so I don't know
Bro 2: Wow you're such a schkin
Bro 1: I think he needs a semen-boarding boys!
by J Lads Official April 9, 2015
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