1. A party where guys outnumber girls.
2. A new R-rated CGI movie.
1. That party had so many guys. It was a sausage party.
2. Sausage Party is a hilarious movie!
by whatadickhead August 20, 2016
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A party, where girls are outnumbered by guys (by far). So basically, a fuckin boring party where theres no possibility of gettin layed, and where the guys are gettin mad drunk to forget about it.
Bob:"Hey how was it at that party last night?"
Johnnay:"Fuckin weak, no bitches... a fuckin sausage party!"
by Johnnay April 30, 2003
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a party where there are more guys than girls
Joe: "Hey man how was the party at the frat last night?"
Mike: "It was shitty. Not enough chicks, it was a freakin sausage party."
by Sammy Girl August 18, 2005
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A party in which the penises outnumber the bearded clams.
Matt M. likes to go to sausage parties where there is usually only 5-6 other guys and a bottle of vodka.....Yeah, he's taking it in the chili chute!
by Dave B. December 20, 2003
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to be out partying and men outnumber woman...Implies a sausage fest
this fucking place is a sausage party...lets find some chicks
by D.S. March 23, 2003
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a gathering consisting of more dicks than chicks
Mr. Davis:
So how was it last night at the bus depot Mr. Stewart?
Mr Stewart: Well since I am a gay man, I loved it because it was a total sausage party.
by Bird Killa October 14, 2003
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The sausage party theory consists of two variables, a male and female. When a party or a group consists of a male to female ratio of 2:1 it is considered a Sausage Party. At any given time, if a male is in this situation, he is considered gay until the sausage party ratio has been lifted.

Examples : When there are 7 guys and 1 girl, this is a 7:1 ratio this is considered a sausage party.
Bro that party last night was a total sausage party
by GetDry May 7, 2020
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