A thing so beautiful, that you'd think it is handcrafted by God it self.

'Sam' comes from the name Samuel ( Sam-uel : Hebrew origin) meaning 'Name of God'.

'Hir' comes from the name 'heer' (Hindi Origin) meaning 'Lover' (from the tales of Heer and Ranjha)
Essentially the Word 'Samhir' means 'Lover of the Name of God.'
I have known a sage from the upper mountains, he's a true samhir.
by John de omka March 3, 2016
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ugly, punjab, loves the color purple, constantly wears a turban, loves sand, AK-47, camels, not part of the FBI, very gay, homosexual, GAY.
I hope Samhir doesn't come.
by Bob Henderson January 1, 2007
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