German name for a pickpocket or a thief.

Americanized spelling of German Sackreuter, a nickname for a plunderer or cutpurse, from Middle High German 'sack' meaning sack or bag and 'riutære' meaning one who tears out
by Dale Sackrider November 25, 2005
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A person who rides someone else's nutsack in order to be part of the action. One who will do anything to be part of what is considered cool, including but not limited to sucking dick for coke.
TheTieger is ps2-scene's sackriding faggot.
by buckrogers April 23, 2005
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Somone who is on a bandwagon, a person who follows trends. Someone who gets involved in a something just to be a part of it.
Arlyn is an Ashley Nebel hating sackrider.
by Arlyn November 17, 2004
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Sackrider is the english version of a family name of immigrants from Strasburg Germany who came to the US in 1731. The name means Saxon Horseman. Sachen or Sack is old German for Saxon. Rider is horseman.
When naming someone the occupation was most important. In this case horseman or "rider" in German "reuter" The next task was to distinguish between various reuters. The ethnicity or other characteristics were used, in this case Saxon, or Sachen, shortened to Sack. German Sachenreuter, to English Sackrider.
by Sackrider May 25, 2009
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John ‘JSSackrider is a remarkable Australian who was born with a severe physical disability in which a pancake was permanently fixed to his face, giving Him little chance of survival. John has not only defied medical opinion, he has thrived and is acknowledged as one of the world’s most inspirational speakers.
Without this unfortunate disability, John embraces a full and positive life. He creates comedic "TikToks" and makes thoughtful Instagram posts. He uses humour to communicate some of life’s most important lessons. John has delivered his inspirational message to over 350,000 people around the world and educated many people about the hit song Pee Pee Poo Poo by Baby Kata. In 2020, John was recognised by many users on TikTok and gained a decent following. Although his account is slowly dying, John enjoys living his life to the fullest and posting shitty comedic "TikToks". John Sackrider can be found on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok as @johnzoup. He is most known for his comedic TikTok videos.
Juju: "This TikTok is cringe."
Josh: "It has John Sackrider energy."
by johnzoup July 24, 2020
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