a guy you found on discord thats me
ryx, stfu you built like a *insert tv static*

ryx why are you always bottom

ryx why is the dog on FIRE?
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Ryx, a guy you found on discord, hes kinda rare i guess.
Woah ryx, you’re a bottom?

ryx, why are the dogs on fire

ryx, stop eating french onion soup
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Different from the other Ryx.. Ryx, He Aken Ing is a person on discord who's name was created by a friend of their's. Unfortunately, they have never played Destiny1 so never got the chance to see Oryx, The Taken King in-game, and do not know who the other Ryx is.
Friend:Hey, you're Ryx, He Aken Ing now
JustRyx: The heck does that mean
Friend:It comes from Oryx, The Taken King in Destiny1
Ryx, He Aken Ing: I think that's a really cool name, it's mine now
by Ryx, He Aken Ing July 5, 2023
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A Gacha that deserved it Lol
Ryx; Gets Sexxed by her brother
Chad: She deserved it lmao
by dayunez October 14, 2022
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