A short, ruffled skirt, covering little more than the female genetalia, resembling the dust ruffle around a bed.
"Could you believe Kelly was riding her bike in a cunt ruffle?"

"Yeah, that hooch should really put on some underwear."
by Sibamos May 31, 2006
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One who is of such insignificance he is as the skin of an old mans penis. Ruffle can refer to the wrinkles on a ruffles potato chip, being that old men's penis's are wrinkly like this.
Damn nigga chops! Sam is such a penis ruffle!
by krazychichi August 9, 2009
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noun An act by a person, usually a male, who struts around ruffling their virtual feathers and puffing out their chest like a rooster in an attempt to impress another person, usually a female. It is not necessarily a physical act; it is sometimes more of a mental exercise or attitude from someone trying to show that they are better than someone else in a particular way.
1. He does the puff and ruffle whenever a new girl shows up at the office.

2. That's just his puff and ruffle; he likes you to think he knows it all.
by TheOneRing_S October 9, 2014
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When a man gives a woman an orgasm with his savage beard while performing oral sex.
Oscar gave Jill a dust ruffle last night and this morning. Guess that beard is good for more than one thing.
by ReyPitorro October 17, 2020
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I can't wait to go to that party and ruffle hug that girl!
by PedestrianJon June 30, 2005
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A mini skirt that is not actually long enough to cover the goods. Instead of covering the vagina, it acts more as a decoration.
You can always spot the freshman because they were vagina ruffles even in the winter.
by Rocker27 January 24, 2012
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Pink curley labia typically found on a white womens vagina.
She must have been a natural strawberry blonde by the look of her very pink ham ruffle.

Edward smiled with anticipation and astonishment when he discovered Ruth’s exposed ham ruffle. He couldn’t wait to gently stretch it with his fingertips.
by pie master August 9, 2006
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