RSSD or Random Stupid Statement Disorder is a common disease in the Information Technology field. Many lowly technicians have to deal with RSSD sufferers in the form of IT Managers, who have been promoted beyond their abilities. Many people believe the disease was only discovered because of the IT industry and if the IT industry was eradicated, then all RSSD sufferers would disappear as well. It is quite common for the particular sufferers to make random claims of technology not working only to see it work right in front of them, or try to fix something they understand little about and then proceed to make the situation worse. It is believed to have been diagnosed by someone in the IT field themselves, who has been immune to the disease due to his ability to read documentation and understand technology by learning. There has been only one known cure for these sub human carcass like, oxygen thieves and that is to take them out and apply the famous punishment from Port Arthurs penal colony days of being hung, drawn and quartered, because no one likes working with RSSD sufferers.
My boss said that “Oh no that won’t work because the L3 switch has a default gateway to an interface that points to the internet already”, he is clearly suffering from RSSD
My boss has RSSD, he claims that with a 4xDC arrangement, I should not replicate to all DCs, as this may overload Active Directory Sites and Services
by honneamise November 28, 2019
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