a person who makes you laugh
you a real ROsie
by maggie April 29, 2003
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Rosie is a person who is kind and generally considerate of others feelings. She enjoys having relationships and sports. She is easy to talk to and can lend you a shoulder anytime.
All right huni, what you up to?
by a friend April 4, 2005
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Rosie is a special name given to special women. Rosie's are good listeners, great friends, good company and can cheer anyone up. They can solve problems, they are sporty and inteligent to. They may get some weird but wonderfull nicknames like rosie-posy, rose, rositta, nosy rosie, rosemary, roseanne or even i heard a rosie being called roastie. There are also rhymes that go with the name rosie such as ring a round a rosie, rosie posy pudding and pie kissed the boys and made them cry etc.
Overall Rosie's are pretty awesome people with a great attitude and humour so be carefull when you come across one do be nice.
Rosie's sporty roastie posy rhymes nice friends
by shesmiles:D August 1, 2010
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An extreamly beautiful person with a huge heart, a rosie is an amazing person who most people could never live without once they have met a rosie.
Boys love her and girls love her for just being her and how gorgeous she really is.
If your ever in need of a pick me up then go and speak to your nearest rosie because you know they will help.
i know all this because i have a bestfriend named rosie and i know i couldnt live without her.

she is an extreamly loved girl by everyone.
by amybeth_ November 20, 2010
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1.A person guaranteed to make you piss yourself at a sleep over....

2.A person with an amazing personality
3.A person that won't just take your shit and get hit by you, she'll hit back....
rosie with an evil voice" Celena, I'm going to get you!"

Omg i just punched rosie in the arm and she just gave me a dead leg
by LenaPaige November 13, 2009
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even though she is a very small person, she still has a big personality.
don't hate her, love her
by linsey January 9, 2004
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A beautiful, funny, witty, sexy, attractive, popular, perfect girl who is desired by everyone. The name is quite rare, as such women like the description before are rare! Rosies are generally indies.
I knew she was gonna be called Rosie
by Zee 123123 September 3, 2007
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