Rolling is the act of being high on molly.
I’ve been rolling tits for 2 hours, that molly hit”
by Enor muskok August 5, 2019
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a phrase used in the No-Limit Texas Hold Em form of poker used to describe a situation where you decide your hand is good enough to shove all your chips in the pot with absolutely no regard for what your opponent could be holding while completely disrespecting his previous aggression/action in the hand.
the board is Jd-2H-9d after our opponent raised pre-flop and we called in position. we hold 10d-8d.

he leads out 2/3 of the pot and we raise 3 times his bet. then he decides to min-raise us...

noah: dude we cantz2b folding this....too many outs.

Kevin: yea...lets roll-tits on this guy.

result: we get it all in and river a straight flush to pwn his boat of Jacks full.
by tubcx October 23, 2008
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When a girls tits look like somebody has stuck two sausage rolls to her chest and then scratched away the pastry.
"Ooh man, you should have seen how bad her tits were, they were pure Sausage roll tits!"


"She had stretchies all over her little envelopes, like she has had a fight with a tiger and lost! Proper Sausage roll tits!"
by ddotadotn July 28, 2009
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A collection of titty pics, sent from girls to guys, that guys keep to make fun of or masturbate to.
I just got the sexiest tit pic added to my roll-a-tits. Check this out!
by JimothyH November 23, 2015
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Large breasts bouncing in such a manner as to put one in danger of boob lashing orboob knocking.

Occurs in less threatening situations where large breasted women are observed running, jumping, dancing or pulling on tight jeans.
Ann assumed the cowgirl and I had a first class seat for some serious tit roll.

The DJ played Milkshake and everybody in the club got tit rolled.
by lobolilly May 6, 2011
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a roll of toilet paper you use to stuff your bra with
by billy’s huge chlock November 5, 2017
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breasts that are unusually saggy, and resemble fruit roll us.
"hey man deanna's got some fruit roll up tits goin on!"
by kate mcnasty September 7, 2008
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