This word originated from the abreviation :
ROFL = Roll On Floor Laughing.
Which is a term widely used in internet chatrooms and instant messaging software.
Roffle evolved due to people readling ROFL like a normal word rather than spelling out each letter as R. O. F. L.

Roffle is therefore the casual friendly way to say ROFL and can be used as a verb in its own right:
Fluffy: I roffled for about ten minutes!

Nutty: Roffle
by Miss Fluffy August 28, 2003
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Roll on f*king floor laughing

It is a typo for ROFL. This is used when you are giving the expression, ROFL but much greater.
Ha-ha! Rofl! That is so damn funny! Rofl! Lol.
by Anonymous May 8, 2005
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leggo my eggo, n00b!!!11 those are MY roffles!!!11
by Hay-z December 24, 2003
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Derived from the term rofl.
Person2: Watafa? Stuff you.
Person1: Roffle roffle! Lamayo!
by Jerk The Mom December 3, 2003
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Verb: to laugh, said in response to something funny.

Derived from the acronym "rofl" which litterally means "rolling on the floor laughing".
"That shit had me rofflin so hard!"


"That joke was roffle inducing!"
by ZT June 7, 2005
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Often used in a tongue-in-cheek way, roffle means to be in hysterics. It comes from the internet acronym ROFL, which stands for rolling on the floor laughing. Similar to lollers.
"Oh my god, that show was so funny. I roffled for about 10 minutes when he made that joke about the fat guy."
"Ess Tee Eff Yoo"
by James Bond 007 April 15, 2006
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