When your 15 friend Jose gets a random message from a wrong number, decides to respond to it, and ends up getting a 37 year old milf date with an asian girl
by Niggatheballer September 25, 2023
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When a person is bad at rizzing up others natural rizzaster is when you are smiling too akwardly and bad at talking to girls.
Tosheto:hi girl you like me Goshko : This is 2.0 Natural Rizzaster
by Cupcakebackpack March 31, 2023
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An adjective used to describe the pure lack of skill in the rizzanomics department.

TD;DR: Women repellant
Person 1: Omfg, did you see Damir?

Person 2: Yeah, he tried to pick up Jayden right?
Person 1: Mmmmhmm. That whole scenario was a Catagory 5 Natural Rizzaster!
by Shocktospecter April 22, 2023
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