The drowsiness or exhaustion, coupled with general brain fog, following the use of Benadryl (or other antihistamine, typically pink in color).
I can’t go out tonight. I’m riding the pink pony, so I’m binging the Good Place again.
by Lawjick October 11, 2022
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Irish coloquial term for having sex with a person other than themselves.
'Tom Comer was out getting the ride last night, I can smell Michael Gormley's aftershave off of him.'
by tom-comers-da September 22, 2022
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A person of ill repute. Someone who is of poor character, completely untrustworthy and often has ulterior motives.
Nah bro watch your back, Rick’s riding the night train.
by TheAvgBlackMan March 18, 2022
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The act of having sexual relations outside of marriage and never using contraception.
Dang, Joel wasnt home all last weekend, ole boy is riding dirty with all the neighbor women.
by Jjilas July 8, 2018
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Two drivers are driving side by side in the lane while they are talking, and driving slower than the posted speed limit, and blocking all other cars from passing them.
Those two drivers ahead of me are riding side by side and talking and blocking all others drivers from moving past them, they are riding dirty.
by Rascal-Flatts May 13, 2021
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The theory that (regarding any upcoming physics test) you either know it or you don't. Not to be confused with the Ridings Postulate, which states that you either know it or you don't regarding ANY test, not simply physics. Applying these ideas often results in failure.
Me - "Dude, I have a physics test tomorrow! Fuck!"

Ridings - "Same. But I'm not studying, according to my theory, the Ridings Theory - in physics, you either know it, or you don't."
by jm6695 December 25, 2013
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When a male donkey and a female donkey get into a very hot fight, when this happens do not interfere with it
Oh shit the donkeys are donkey riding each other!
by By APPLE INC December 26, 2022
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