Basically a jail. You can't wear what you want (you're shorts must to your knees or longer), the teachers are all crazy and unhelpful, and everyone ends up pushing each-other through the hallway. People smoke weed, lose their virginity, and cry over Formspring.
Girl1: Yeah, I go to Paul Revere Middle School

Girl2: Oh that sucks what do you wear?

Gir1: jeans, turtle-neck sweater, converse. they don't let us wear anything cute.
by peaco33 September 19, 2011
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Such a weird place. With legit 11 year olds coming out as gay to people making out in the bathroom. Some people love it here, while others do not. There are many cliques (basically the people you sit with at lunch). There are the popular girls, the popular boys, the weird girls, the weird gamer boys, and the normal people. When you found your group you never leave it, unless you get kicked out. If you are in two groups, you better decide fast because neither will accept you if you are in two.
Person: Broooooooo did know that Billy is lesbian
Another Person: Well duh isn't basically everyone at revere middle school?? And anyways doesn't she sit at the weird lesbo table?
by skrtskrtskrtskrtskrt April 26, 2019
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Paul Revere Middle School: Hell of a walk from the entrance to the gym so good luck if you have H lockers and expect lots of tardys :))
There’s writing on the bathroom stalls and people vape in the bathroom all the time
Basically the ideal american public middle school experience
by definitionar August 11, 2021
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