7 - 9ft shape shifting serpents which own night clubs in Sri Lanka.
Reptoids are native to the antartic, and control the planet.
Some people think Reptoids can time travel, but this is probably bullshit. Though they can travel on the astral plane.
George Bush is a reptoid.
Reptoids are one of the few world problems Chuck Norris can't solve.

by sheepbag October 16, 2006
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A type of reptilian that can morph into any animal and shape shift. They are the most advanced species and run all of the earth. An example of a reptoid is the English Queen whomst will snatch little kids (e.g Maddie McCann)using her lizard tongue. Other evidence proving she is a reptoid is that her name is Lizzy which is similar to Lizard. Hilary Clinton is also speculated to be part of the Reptoid Roster hence why she has many weird moments due to her being in the wrong habitat and conditions.
Example 1:
Human 2: *Runs*
Queen : *Shoots out lizards tongue and slurps up the human in a single gulp*

Example 2:
Hitler : Oh my it appears someone is coming in
Hitler + The Queen : *Morph into human state from current lizard status*
by izzyisatranny April 29, 2019
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A subterranean half man, half lizard. Circa 2008.
Person A: "Dude did you hear about that subteranean race of reptoids on the news?"

Person B: "Thats bullshit! You must have been watching Fox"
by reptoid_skeptic February 14, 2009
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