The mixture of cum and shit that is farted out and caked on the side bum cheek after rough anal intercourse has taken place.
Kay: Hey man did you fuck Ray last night? She was squealing like a pig, could hear her screeching from neighborhoods away.

Ay: Yeah dude, it was pretty good, but it got a bit shitty in the end..

Kay: What... you mean LITERALLY??

Ay: Yeah, after I finished and pulled out, her arsehole started pulsing and twitching, so I look right up close at it, and cluster of reish burst out and erupted all over my face..

Kay: Dude..
by ploofy May 18, 2013
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When you think you are going to win at any sport or activity because the other guy shows up with clapped out equipment at the last second but looks like a super model and takes the win!
Based on the entry list you have a great chances of winning but then you get to the starting line and get Zac Reished!
by TeamTrainWreck December 30, 2022
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