Modern euphemism for getting someone else to take responsibilty for an unwanted animal or pet. Rehoming an animal may include an exchange an exchange of money, from the person taking the animal to the person giving it away.

The term rehome may be gaining ground over a similarly used term, 'adopt', as in 'please adopt this animal my kids won't play with anymore.
I have two red-nosed, unspayed pitbull females that I need to rehome because I am moving.
by ybmagpye April 25, 2008
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Take our pet, it's a total terror, and also give us some money.
That dog we found by the dumpster just tore up all of our carpet and ate the hamster. Let's list it on craigslist and see if we can get a rehoming fee.
by mgg November 21, 2013
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A fee invented by pet-owners selling their pets to make money.
I am selling a 2 year old lab mix. Asking for a $500 rehome fee.
by morganwilltrollyou December 6, 2011
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The price that someone who is incapable of taking care of their pet sells it for on Craigslist.
Free super sweet adorable 2 year old puppy. Vet says she's part morkie part cane corso and part aussiedoodle. Free to good home, $100 rehoming fee. I have to find her a new home because I live in an apartment and can barely think five minutes ahead and I can't even take care of myself.
by Ratched, RN August 23, 2021
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