a philosophy that if even the lowest and most despised creatures have purpose, then so do we all.

Ratcatcher 2: "Why Rats, Dad?"

Ratcatcher 1: "Rats are the lowest and most despised creatures of all my love, but they have purpose. So do we all.”
by NanaueNomNom August 7, 2021
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Friend: What’s Ratism?

Me: I feel like it’s pretty self explanatory.
by garbage 2 November 10, 2020
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An amazing, gorgeous, and majestic religion. Us worshippers admire our God Remy. A beautiful artist in the food industry. We respect him because he has done so much for the community. He’s brought back a very stern man’s childhood, he helped a boy chef get the girl chef, and most importantly, he fought for his dreams. Overall, we worship Rats. They are the superior animal. Hope you join~
We love our god Remy. We love our god Remy.”

“Oh, are you guys apart of Ratism?”

by mawebx05 February 23, 2021
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Ratism (noun): the philosophy that even the lowliest and despised of all creatures have purpose, then so do we all

Ratcatcher, 2021
(The Suicide Sqaud)

Go rewatch that scene from the movie where all the rats crawl up Starro or just listen to Ratism by John Murphy on youtube or spotify
by CWKM777 August 10, 2021
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ratism is my religion, we respect our rats
by iiTiki November 23, 2020
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Protestant Ratism is the less structured form of Ratism. It is believed that the Rat is the true Deity but after further investigation, it is found that the original Ratist Texts are not confidential and invalid. This is shown in the different terms used for a place of worship, for example, "The Church of Rat" and "Ratist House of Prayer". It is said that there are buildings for prayer but there is indeed not. The Ratists almost always pray at a home shrine or drawn picture.

The Protestant Ratists believe in true equality, this is shown in how the members all worship together. There are no ranks among the Protestant Ratists, the Mother Rat shows everyone the same amount of love and respect. We worship on the sacred days, Monday and Thursday for that is when the Mother Rat arose from the Cesspool.
I'm am apart of Protestant Ratism, deal with it.
by Sneeze88 October 14, 2020
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