The time when words are no longer considered new or special to the general audience of a media outlet and are therefore written without quotes.
I think Twitter is finally post-quote. Hopefully I'll never read this kind of sentence again:

Jessica Simpson ranted against celebrity ball shaving last week. Her Twitter posts - known as "tweets" - urged Americans to protest the despicable practice.
by someotherguyfromohio2 March 3, 2011
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A quote pyramid occurs when someone on a forum quotes someone else's post who has quoted someone else who quoted someone else etc. etc. .

If the forum does not have something that automatically caps the amount of quotes in one post, then this results a huge pile-up of quotes in a series of different posts. These, are Quote Pyramids.
Dude 1:Oh man there was a post with over 1000 quotes in the other day, biggest quote pyramid I've ever seen.
Dude 2: Orly?
by Bobinator2000 December 2, 2008
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A page which contains quotes accredited to non-celebrities such as piers in a friendship. Often is on a group chat, and, whenever someone says anything sus or goofy, they are quoted, and the page is updated. This leads to it having an inevitably slightly infamous quality as an attribute, with quotes becoming weirder by the day. You’re also constantly worried that someone is going to leak the page, and everyone who has a quote on it is going to be arrested.
“The quote page on the Latin Chat
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In conversation, the dual flexing of the index and middle finger of both hands, to signify the presence of scare quotes. Used ad nauseam by 'pretentious' and ostensibly 'intelligent' university students, to advertise their 'superior morals' and 'erudition'.
Using air quotes in this example is, like, so 'post-modern'.
by Urban Dictionary April 27, 2007
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A phrase used on internet forums. Use it when another user makes a post which describes your opinion about something so perfectly you just have to quote them in your own post, but don't know what to say about it. Often shortened to QFT or QTF.
by shankitty November 4, 2007
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A phrase introduced by WWE Announcer Michael Cole but ever since used as a phrase to quote ridicolous sentences to make them sound even more ridicolous.
Person 1: What did Alicia say?
Person 2: And i quote: 'Justin Bieber is hot'.
by FloridanUBLover January 15, 2011
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a common phrase used to mean "remember this" or "take note of what i'm about to say"

possibly used when predicting future events, thus putting across the opinion that you said it first, and therefore are an uber cool and respected person.

alternatively just used as a means of emphasising a point.
philip oddie will one day end world poverty once and for all. quote me.

i love philip oddie and his cool cats. quote me.
by phubbs July 8, 2009
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