Yo homeslice how do you know Quantavius ? Why blacks gotta give their childs such ignorant azz names fo?
by Genitalwartts January 29, 2022
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A smart fellow whom has a thinking capacity of a large quantum computer.
Daaaamn Quantavius stop thinkin so much
by BigRealBaller6969 November 23, 2022
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by Quantavius November 23, 2021
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a guy who is mentally not right stupid and has no idea whats going on around him
quantavius is so dumb
by top nop March 24, 2017
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A very smart and hottie man, basketball star, beauty
man, quantavius hicklebottom is such a great amazing guy
by CH@d April 5, 2022
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octavius quantavius dingle is the hottest guy in the world. He's pretty, charming, cool, awesome and relatable. You can tell everything to him as he is quite popular with the ladies and the gentlemen. Everyone looks up to him and people named octavius quantavius dingle will become billionares in the future.
octavius quantavius dingle is so hot! i wanna be just like him!!!
by mm_baguette123 June 26, 2022
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To light your dogs butt on fire and catch his poop in your mouth.
I Quantavius Dingleberry javius the 69thed my dog. Quantavius Dingleberry javius the 69thing is when you light your dogs but on fire and catch his poop in your mouth.
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