1. When you are at the highest level of boredom.

2. This means that you are extreme pro max bored and don't know what to do except typing any random things on your keyboard.
That guy is facing extreme boredom. He is a qqqwqeqrqtqyquqiqoqpqaqsqdqfqgqhqjqkqlqzqxqcqvqbqnqm.
by SomeUrbanDefinator November 26, 2021
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You've gotten so bored that you decided to put a q behind each letter in-between each letter in the alphabet
by UltimateAiden98 March 11, 2021
Get the qqqwqeqrqtqyquqiqoqpqaqsqdqfqgqhqjqkqlqzqxqcqvqbqnqm mug.