One of the most useful things in life. Because let's face it, there's a big difference between "Let's eat, Grandpa!" and "Let's eat Grandpa!".
Idiots that excluded punctuation

Jimmy: Come on, we have to cook Adam!!
Adam: Are you implying that you're going to cook me?

Proper Sentence
Jimmy: Come on, we have to cook, Adam!!
Adam: I'm coming downstairs now!
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Punctuation is a key part of everyday writing. Otherwise the phrase "I helped my Uncle, Jack, off a horse" becomes "I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse". See what I mean?

Often times puncuation is critically lacking online. Not to mention spelling.
Oh hay gaiz i went to school the other day had a piece of cake went home and then pooped my punctuation and speling r gud
by Jdwd April 23, 2008
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Something you will never find online.
The little symbols that aren't letters or numbers are punctuation marks. Keep in mind that there are more options besides the exclamation point.
by elipsus March 26, 2010
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Punctuation consists of marks that improve sentence structure and overall grammar. (!.';: etc.) It is a theory that has failed to reach many textaholics and most of the internet. (See those periods? those are part of punctuation!)
Texter1: Zomgwtfbbq did you just say
Texter2:Wait, is that a question? There is no punctuation, that could be a declarative sentence.
Texter1: Wtf did you just say
Texter2: Still waiting....
by ~ Nate ~ May 9, 2010
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Symbols used to modify the words in languages using the Latin Alphabet

I can't fuckin' believe that Urban Dictionary didn't have an entry for "punctuation"!
I mean, I can understand that noone uses it anymore, but...
Can you believe it? (The punctuation, I mean)

A properly punctuated example!

by Zankou March 15, 2007
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Symbols used to modify the words in languages using the Latin Alphabet
No-one uses punctuation correctly anymore...I'm pretty sure I'm the only one left who does...*sigh*
by Zankou March 17, 2007
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1. Describes a person who likes to use puntuation marks often, particularly in an online chat. This in turn makes the conversation much more lively, and brightens everyone's day.
Riley is very punctuational, which makes every conversation with her worth your while! She's the best!
by d00ditsevAn December 26, 2005
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