One who takes time out of school not for the purpose of fighting for their belief but just to miss geography. One who blocks the traffic, that consists of the people going to work to earn money and pay taxes that provide the money for their social security/welfare/Austudy/living allowance. One who does not eat red meat because it's "just like you know..wrong to like eat a living creature", but one who eats chicken and fish. (What the?) One who is fighting something that gave them the chance to actual voice their opinion without being killed! The "non-conformist" who follows the pack and gives in the peer pressure. One who has enough time to paint elaborate 'no war' signs but not enough time to get a job. One who is pierced in several uncomfortable places.
The 'anitwar protestor' had to run around naked to get the attention of others because it was clear that without being naked, no one gave a shit what he had to say
by Holly March 31, 2003
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People that have reason to not agree with a war that is taking place. These brave souls have always had to deal with people like the ones that have typed on this word but still battle on for there own beliefs.
I don't want this war as I don't think that it is right. I think I will get off my ass and tell the world what I know.
by Joe September 15, 2003
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Do you mean War Protester?
Or people who are against war protesters?
Could be Peace (Antiwar) Protester? A Peace Protester? What the fuck is that?
People against war who protest! OK I got it, now. A bleeding heart that would hand this country over to its enemies, if given the chance.
by FrankC March 15, 2004
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One who protests against a declaration of war by one's government. Most recently, they have been protesting against the Iraqi War thingie. Many are decent people who have genuine concerns about things, but there are also the fanatical shitbags who think that lying down in the middle of the fucking road during rush hour is going to solve anything. Those misguided individuals apparently think that preventing people from getting to work or to a hospital because they have severe burns is okay, but its not okay to tear down a dictatorship that has killed millions of its own people.
The majority of antiwar protestors you see on TV are raging narcissitic lunatics, but there are those who know that they can get their point across just by standing on the sidewalk or in a park without screaming their heads off at passers by.
by C-can October 22, 2003
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A person of liberal belief who protests the United States Military Action aganist a tyrannical regime while a Republican is President.(see Iraq)

This excludes Clinton's was Aganist Serbia because he was a Democrat.
Slobodon was opressing his people, but Saddam was not.

Most anti-war protesters are either aging hippies from the 1960's trying to regain their lost youth or cluless 18-25 year olds with little education and no job who live off thgeir parents money. According to national geographic society study only 7% of all American between 18-25 can identify Iraq on a map.

by Anonymous October 22, 2003
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1. Someone who actually questions what their government tells them, thus fulfilling the very idea of democracy
2. A person with enough intelligence to see right through Bush and recognize him for the moron he is
3. Anybody who opposes people who think that they can launch a war without the world's support.
by Anonymous March 7, 2003
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A follower, sheep or other farm animal that feels superior to other people due his/her/its status as student, professor or unemployed, hatefully jealous of those more succesfull, treasonously friendly with know terrorists and disgustingly amoral and irrational with arguments.
"Me sooo smart, war bad, chimpy bush want to steal oil"
by joe August 11, 2003
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