The process of information gathering because we want to give resonance reason & relevance to the FAKERY & BS(BULLSHIT) relayed by uneducated & unrelated Peoples claims regarding either a HISTORIC finding or EVOLUTIONARY finding ....
Fooling the Public & Society of a History Changing, Life Changing, Evolutionary Changing Subject .... Exploiting the UN PROVEN Facts of a Subject through the JUSTIFICATION of Convincing the Public/Society that sharing INFORMATION thru Suggestibility & info GATHERING through their own findings (& not revealing the true nature of how they came to such conclusions) suggesting that this information be it complete BULL SHIT is a necessary just to ALL SOCIETY for the GREATER GOOD of the FUTURE of a BELIEF SYSYEM !
The proctocoljustification of the findings of this Scientific Discovery & Resourced Information was necessary to reveal the true BULLSHIT of the process & the conclusion of these findings proves this info & process was proved a ruse to Deceive the Public into Universal Belief.
by chaos girl February 4, 2018
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