As opposed to "pro-life", "pro-choice" refers to a woman's right to choose whether or not she wants to have an abortion.
Ignorant christian: Women should not have a choice on whether or not they get to abort their pregnancy.We must save the babies! Boo pro-choice!

Girl:Hey, think about this. Personally, I would never choose abortion because it's not right for me but I do believe that we should not restrict women from making personal choices about their body.
by Hit Girl 222 October 27, 2010
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A supporter of Choice. the word is vague for a reason. It' not pro-abortion, or pro-murder, pro-child-death-penalty, but pro-choice. The power to choose what is best for you and in some cases your children. The power to choose to support your friends or family in the choices they have made. The power to choose to live without hate in our hearts. The power to choose the children we already have over the children who might be. The power to choose learning and growing or simply not being ready. The choice to use or abuse. The choice is yours.
I'm strongly and proudly pro-choice...I choose not to.
by Ludakrissy February 28, 2009
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Someone who believes pregnant women should always have a choice to access a safe and legal abortion. Even if they think it’s wrong or right, they support people having a choice to decide what they need/want to do with their bodies.
Person 1 : Are you pro-life or prochoice?

Person 2 : Pro-choice because I want people to be able to have a choice to make the best decision for themselves
by Rvn January 29, 2018
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The position you inevitably support when you realize that, no matter how strongly you are against abortion, it is a necessary evil.
Nothing more needs to be said.
by Killing Kittens June 3, 2004
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The self-given label of the ideological group who believe abortion should be legal and readily available; contrasts with "Pro-Life”.

Until the third trimester, an organism developing in the womb is unable to support life independently, in effect no more alive than a person in a coma with a machine operating his or her lungs. Besides which, Pro-Life supporters—if they really had an ounce of compassion in them—wouldn’t hound women who have made the often difficult and always irreversible decision of having an abortion. Granted, there are Pro-Choicers who don’t seem to think women should grieve or otherwise deal with their emotions after an abortion but I am not one of them: I believe the most important thing for a woman who has had an abortion is to learn how to accept and live with the choice. Emotion is natural to human beings and should be safely expelled rather than corked up. And it doesn’t help to show revolting (and often fake) photographs supposedly showing aborted fetuses, let alone all the other psychotic stunts these people perform (blowing up clinics, anyone? Doesn’t seem very “Pro-Life” to me.)
A person who is pro-choice believes that a life of an already-extant, fully-fledged human being takes precedence over that of an embryo or fetus.
by The Thinker-Writer November 11, 2010
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a social and political opinion that women should have the right to have an abortion which is completely sensible because why should religion or the law keep a woman from doing what she needs to do to her body and it’s her choice to be able to have a baby or not.
I believe that women can have the choice for abortion. I am pro-choice.
by Gig1780y May 23, 2018
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The act of being for abortion, opposite to the pro-life side, who are against abortion.
Person 1: I am pro-choice because I think a woman should be able to have control over her own body.
Person 2: I respect your beliefs, but I am pro-life.
by imboredsoi'meducatingchildren November 20, 2018
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