A brand of sticky notes that somehow became a verb
hmm.. i have to do that thing w/ the stuff.. better post it note it
by Redlen September 25, 2004
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A post-it is a Piece of paper that you can stick anywhere, with any sort of writing on. You can stick it on your PC monitor, your head or even on someones back saying "Kick me"
by Coolcon2000 August 13, 2007
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usually on a hot or humid day, when one side of a guy's nuts stick to his leg.
“Its so damn humid today, I've got a fuckin post-it that just won't go away.
by andytheman February 10, 2007
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One who is too cool to be hipster, and will therefore reject hipster styles and tastes. Post-posts, or pomo hipsters, are currently difficult to define only because they tend toward a slightly wider set of tastes than your average stereotype. The most important quality is that a post-post realizes the hippocracy of hipsterism and tries to overcome it. Post-posts will sometimes acknowledge the fact that they are post-post, and if called hipster, will sometimes
Person one: "Does this make me look too hipster?"

Person two: "You're wearing a polo; of course not."

Person one: "Does it make me look too preppy?"

Person two: "Oh my gosh, you are such a post-post!"
by Aspartame, 2nd Century Greece November 5, 2011
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(adv) beyond postmodern; exceedingly or terminally hip. Often used ironically.
"You're so post-post, why don't you go deconstruct your mother's combat boots?"
by anarcissie May 28, 2008
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chilling in one spot, usually with nothing to do.
I don't want to hang out with them, they are just posted up at Ryan's house.
by aBecka June 1, 2005
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