a womans genitalia in malayalam same as cunt
she has a nice tight poore..i love to put my kunna in
by manojk November 22, 2007
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a fiscal condition where one is now void of money because of poor management
My poore dad's wallet is by the door for mom & us to drain.
by Jack Schmidt May 17, 2005
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An tongue-in-cheek way of describing those lacking financial means, which these days could include a great many.
"The 1% just don't understand the struggle of the poors"
"Having been raised in wealthy family, he always thought of beer as mainly a drink for the poors."
by All_of_era February 1, 2016
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A person who has too much month at end of the money.
Poor guy cannot afford this.
by Egils October 26, 2011
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To be poor is to be tired of eating Top Ramen for every meal of the day.
I'm as /poor/ as a mouse that's just had an enormous tax bill on the very day his wife ran off with another mouse, taking all the cheese.

If I eat Top Ramen one more time I will shit out an asian!
by Iceman Cometh March 10, 2009
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One who has no money.

Charles Baker.
Baker, you're the poorest.
by Pimpin Delicious December 10, 2004
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Poor can be two things.

1 Having no money yet having dreams and goals.

2 Having lots of money yet having no dreams and goals, or bad and selfish ones.
Why did Mozart and Beethoven die poor while that evil rich bastard lives in luxury?
by Prince of Truth July 30, 2011
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