A Person Who engages in, or fantesizes about smearing fecal matter on themselves while being penetrated by two, or more other willing or unwilling participants. (Do not have to be human)
That Guy/girl is such a poopslut. Yeah lets go over to Him/Her, and kick them.
by The Dr. January 17, 2005
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In contrast to people who cannot pass a bowel movement on any toilet except their own, poopsluts can drop a deuce anywhere and at anytime.
I can't crap in a public restroom, but you can. You're a total poopslut.
by Bernard the Neologist January 30, 2009
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a slut that swims in poop
That girl is such a poop slut!
Jessica Adams
by Kyle Pozsgai March 29, 2005
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A person who no on likes and walks around trying to be cool. Also could be a person who tries to make people jelous even though no one in the world cares about them!
MAN! He/ She Is Such A poopslut!

by NO-NAME! April 9, 2005
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