Persons who think that whatever they manage to accomplish are works of true genius because they were raised in such a overly validating, gratuitously supportive and positive environment from the time they were infants, that when they wiped their own feces on the walls they were misinformed that it was an artistic masterpiece. Such people are invariably intellectual and emotional idiots, but still manage to be the center of attention.
Tagger kid: Man, there goes Jenny-- she walks around thinking she's so great after graduating art school, but she can't draw a straight line.

Skater kid: Don't you know?-- she's a total Poopoo Picasso!
by uberellis May 6, 2016
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when you shit and piss at the exact same time
Did u go PeePee PooPoo
by Aaiden Cruz Almeida January 8, 2020
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When you have anal sex and feces gets on your dick.
"You ever gotten dicky poopoo?" "Yeah. I got it last week."
by Booty FartZ? March 1, 2020
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It just means someone who chats shit and is just a lier (chewing on poo)
Person 1- i shagged 3 lasses last night
Person 2- shut up poopoo chewer
by Zebs_0113 July 26, 2016
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