by 777777777777777777777777777778 January 26, 2021
A pink bird is usually used for people that are hated by everyone. they know they are hated but don't give a care because the most likely deserve it.
by A Pink bird September 30, 2022
A deformed bird. Men lay the egg that is bigger than the bird and says PMCB on it. They can not fly they can jump. If they touch humans they fall down onto the ground and the grass makes their wings fall of and the sun makes them shrivel up and die. They eat berries and water bugs. They are actually grey and when people call it pink it's because the water they find the turn it into milk and and mix the red berries with it and makes it pink and they mix it with their spit and to defend themselves it spits that stuff at you. Another name for the Pink Mated Chero Bird is Eastern Phoebe. Blue Jays are their cousins. Baby feet start out big and grow up small. Babies look like baby Eastern Phoebes with huge feet. Their call sounds like a giant dying walrus. Their nest are 5ft long and 3ft deep made of nothing but sticks. It is very very very hard to find. Their life cycle is: bugs-mosquitoes-PMBC-bears-humans. they go up to trees, spit on them, leaves that turn green-pink fall of the tree, then the tree eventually dies.
by SexyUnicorn4 June 24, 2016
by 777777777777777777777777777778 January 26, 2021