n.and v. Though the word is originally a computer related term, it is proposed here as a more general, versatile term to refer to the action or act of responding to a query or question by email or returning with a reply or feedback generally. One can give a pingback,receive a pingback or request a pingback. To pingback is not only to acknowledge receipt of an email received, It can refer to the range of possibilities when replying or sending and receiving messages, by email or texting or other electronic and nonelectronic means
Ex. 1)Tom sent Mary a "pingback" telling her he would meet her for dinner at the appointed time. The email closed with request for a pingback.

Ex. 2) Can I pingback you later on your ideas? ( used in lieu of ''give feedbank'')

Ex.3)Mary was upset when Tom did not pingback her for days on end.

Ex.4) His pingback was sarcastic yet humorous.
by weedpuller October 2, 2009
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