perfect or near perfect breasts that serve as the saving grace for an otherwise unappealing female
Dude, Laura is so lame. Whenever she comes out she just sits and makes these horrible jokes.

Yeah, but she's got great personalititties.
by Joe Schleebs July 27, 2007
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A pair of boobs that are so amazing, they make men believe the woman has a great personality. Used mostly to let your friends know that they are under the spell of a woman's boobs.
Guy 1: "Man, this girl I started seeing is really cool. She's smart, funny..."
Guy 2: "I think she just has a really great personalititties."
by jonny universe July 30, 2013
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noun, adjective

>the breasts (usually very large) on a female character with otherwise no personality or special traits,

which are considered the only appealing element of their design

>when a female character is only liked because of their high sex appeal or sexual characteristics
"Whoa! She may be an airhead, but damn, she's got some nice big personalititties!"
"Shizuka Marikawa from HOTD is such a cardboard cutout. I mean, all she is is personalititties."
by Hell&Heaven December 28, 2019
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