CPD is a unit of measure. Made to measure how many times someone ejaculates per day.
If you are consistent you can say your CPD number as an individual integer, instead as a range.
Ranges can be declared as a ratio, Ex: 4:7 meaning you ejaculate anywhere between 4 to 7 times a day.

To measure an average CPD, count all of the total times you came in 1 month, and at the end of the month. divide that number by 28. to Create a 4-Week Average.

CPD can also be measured in milliliters.
guy 1 what's your CPD?

guy 2 Mines 4:7 wbu.

guy 3 I have a 5:6.

Cum Per Day (CPD)
by cdztudio.mov July 7, 2022
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160 grams of protein per day DOES NOT keep the doctor away.
by Free v bucks generator troll February 24, 2023
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